Saturday, October 15, 2011

This was on my facebook today. Had to share it!

I tell myself to keep breathing and take one step forward. Just one step. Then breathe again. Its up to you to take another step or not - out of your comfort zone and into your new life of ABUNDANCE!


Michelle Young said...

Love this!!! Was hoping you would post and you did ;o)

Carrie said...

I am heading out to a costume party of a new male friend that has responded to my new tactics. I am arriving to this party by myself with a few party favors and food, but myself. I am a few years older with a history of some past traumatic issues that were blessings to change my life. The ability to take one foot in front of another is truly the I embark on a night of possiblities. My old picture has an escape route and a safe exit, my passion has steam and new smiles of affections and my new identity has a believe that if I don't do things different without an educated risk then I should stay in my cocoon, but I choice to get out of the zone, comfort and live its fullest!!!

Jenna Elizabeth White said...

Proud of you Carrie!!!

Michelle Young said...

Carrie, way to embrace life! Hope the party was fun. Thanks for sharing :-)

Kim said...

Yes, way to go Carrie. Would like an update on how the New Zone went! You are a brave and fortunate soul.