Friday, October 7, 2011

Post from Jenna - Letting Go

Letting Go…of control over the outcome (and a metaphor for other categories too!)
So, my ex-husband was a gardener and he left me this winter with a huge garden for which I had no idea what to do with.  To say I have a black thumb is putting it mildly.
So, I decided to claim my back yard.  This spring and summer I got my hands dirty and came to really enjoy it.  In a fit of moxie, I planted some vegetables including tomatoes.  And yet time passed, and soon everyone around me has had a gorgeous crop of tomatoes – and mine just wouldn’t turn red.  I’ve been really annoyed and criticizing myself.  I can’t even grow tomatoes – the easiest thing to grow.  For weeks and weeks and weeks I've stared at and cursed these damn green duds.
Then I remembered I had planted Green Zebra tomatoes.
Boy did I laugh. They are ripe and so delicious. Here, all the time they were perfect, and I just couldn’t see them for what they were. 


Michelle Young said...

Great metaphor Jenna, love it! Thanks for posting.

gina said...

wow Jenna..."all the time they were perfect and i couldn't see them for what they were"...this is very powerful...thank you!!