Thursday, October 20, 2011

Feeling Blue???


Kim said...

comment attempt #3

Kim said...

Oh sure it Leaves THAT comment... other times it kept sending me to "Do you want to create a blog?" Lord Deliver.
Anyway, to summarize.
Am Blue today.
Am fighting to shoot such emotions into the weeds and keep my vortex in motion.
Need good feelings to finish my resume and get it sent today!!! Due today!!!

kim conner said...

When I feel blue I think and or paint in pink. Pink is soft, sweet and soothing. Pink lifts the emotions, purifies the spirit, and generates a tender quality, suggesting approachability. Today, I choose my hot pink sweater to wear. It is not often I can wear this sweater because it is very bright but today I am. I feel so wonderful, joyful and colorful wearing it!!!

Anonymous said...

My blue keeps getting replaced with gold. Go figger. :)

From Teri

Brandy Jones said...

A bit blue myself today...but i keep spiraling a violet gold clockwise vortex around me...and it helps to transmute and lower vibes....WooHoo! Cheeers... Brandy

Anonymous said...

Had to pass this one along. Thanks for posting it.


Kim said...

All great suggestions... and visuals! THANK YOU!